Purpose of the Academy

A Toscane Academy truly comes into its own when supporting deep cultural and organizational transformation initiatives.

The aim is to guide managers and project leaders over time and with depth in their personal and collective developments.

Thus, there will be parallel work on both the participants and the approach, on the individual and the systemic levels, always striving for a critical mass of engaged participants.

In essence, growing together to elevate the organization.

Core Values

“It’s vibrant individuals who bring organizations to life.”

“The more human, the more effective… sustainably.”

Active Ingredient

Delve into your own experiences, heed the experiences of others, and share everything using straightforward and genuine communication.

Incorporate the tools of the Tuscan Method, applying them directly within your realm of responsibility.

Refine your stance, which serves as the catalyst for initiating movement.

Progress in addressing specific situations within your sphere of responsibility.

You are the material of the process!

comprendre la dynamique D4T


 Leadership & Culture Transformation Academy for Teams 

4 sessions of 2 days each


This is a structured program, not just a collection of workshops. Its overall effectiveness relies on both the individual modules and their sequential progression. Likewise, each module derives its significance from the context of the entire program.


Leading with Who I Am

Driving the transformation based on my core values, which make me a unique individual. The more authentic I am, the more trust I inspire, and the more my colleagues and project partners follow my lead (leadership).

It’s the posture for initiating genuine change. My deep personal commitment is at the heart of the process. This commitment will energize responsibility around me and spark movement and action.


Empowering Others to Find Their Own Path

Being a leader who empowers and fosters growth means being both a keeper of the framework and objectives and attentive to individuals, their resources, and their limits.

In small groups, participants will work from their specific situations using a dedicated coaching method.


Initiating Movement in Complexity with the Feelings / Meaning / Action Dynamic

This is a comprehensive method for mobilizing teams and projects.

A proven method for many years, applied to hundreds of teams and projects.

At the core of the method: enabling individuals and teams to feel the dynamics of the project, overcome potential obstacles to open up, grasp its meaning, and harness its energy for a straightforward, well-structured, innovative initiation of movement.

The role of the project leader is crucial: it’s a role of a value-creating leader.

Le cœur de la méthode :  permettre à des personnes et des équipes de ressentir la dynamique du projet, de traverser d’éventuels freins pour s’ouvrir, en percevoir le sens et bénéficier de son énergie pour une mise en mouvement simple, construite, pilotée, innovante.

Le rôle du porteur de projet est clef : c’est un rôle de leader créateur de valeur.


Grounding and Integration of the Entire Program: Becoming a Value-Creating Leader

Facilitating based on my values, championing the transformation process, guiding, embodying a sense of purpose, knowing how to initiate movement in complexity, practicing benevolence that allows for excellence, upholding the framework while fostering freedom, daring to trust that unlocks the energies of responsibility.

Becoming more of a value-creating leader.

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